Number of the records: 1
The role of the stiffly stable integrators in nonlinear dynamic simulations
CREPC201506_01 CREPCXX CREPC201511 CREPC201601 CREPC201602 CREPC201603 CREPC201606 CREPC201606O Title statement The role of the stiffly stable integrators in nonlinear dynamic simulations / aut. Kertész Milan, František Palčák Main entry-name Kertész, Milan 1990 (Author) - SjF Ústav dopravnej techniky a konštruovania Another responsib. Palčák, František, 1947- Z1 (Author) - SjF Katedra technickej mechaniky In Aplimat 2015 [785 s.] / APLIMAT 2015. -- Bratislava : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slovak University of Technology, 2015. -- ISBN 978-80-227-4314-3. -- S. 446-455, CD ROM Subj. Headings simulation mechanism Language English Document kind RZB - článok zo zborníka Category AFD - Reports at home scientific conferences Category (from 2022) V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka Year 2015 article
Number of the records: 1