Number of the records: 1  

The assessment of impact of oil refinery wastewater treatment plant on receiving water

  1. Title statementThe assessment of impact of oil refinery wastewater treatment plant on receiving water / aut. Ivana Pijáková, Ján Derco
    Main entry-name Balážová Pijáková, Ivana, 1988- (Author) - FCHPT Oddelenie environmentálneho inžinierstva
    Another responsib. Derco, Ján, 1953- Z1 (Author) - FCHPT Oddelenie environmentálneho inžinierstva
    Translated titlePosúdenie vplyvu čistiarne odpadových vôd danej rafinérie na recipient.
    In EMChIE 2015 Conference Proceedings / European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment. -- Tarragona : Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2015. -- ISBN 978-84-8424-367-0. -- S. 313-318
    Subj. Headings ASM1
    dynamic simulation
    dissolved oxygen sag curve
    industrial WWTP
    impact on recieving water
    Document kindRZB - článok zo zborníka
    CategoryAFC - Reports at international scientific conferences
    Category (from 2022)V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


Number of the records: 1  

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