Number of the records: 1
Costing methods and funding schemes for radioactivewaste disposal programmes
Title statement Costing methods and funding schemes for radioactivewaste disposal programmes : Technical reports / zost. O. M Aguilar, T Aikas, A Amjid, Vladimír Slugeň, a kol Another responsib. Aguilar, O. M. (Author) Aikas, T. (Author) Amjid, A. (Author) Slugeň, Vladimír, 1962- Z1 (Author) - FEI Ústav jadrového a fyzikálneho inžinierstva a kol. (Author) Issue data Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2020 Phys.des. 90 s. ISBN 978-92-0-108819-2 978-92-0-111720-5 (online) 978-92-0-111820-2 (eBook) 978-92-0-111920-9 Edition IAEA nuclear energy series, no. NW-T-1.25, ISSN 1995-7807 Note nezaradené do ŠD Language English Document kind AZN - zborník Category AEC - Scientific titles in foreign noticed scientific year-books (not conference) Category (from 2022) V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka book
Number of the records: 1