Number of the records: 1
Economic and legal aspects influencing the financial market in Slovakia
Title statement Economic and legal aspects influencing the financial market in Slovakia Main entry-name Zatrochová, Monika, 1975- (Author) - ÚM - Oddelenie manažmentu chemických a potravinárskych technológií Another responsib. Stejskal, Rudolf, 1954- (Author) - Ústav manažmentu STU In Problems of Management in the 21st Century. -- No 3 (2012), s.126-132 Subj. Headings ekonomické aspekty finančný trh credit risk Language English Document kind RBX - článok z periodika Category ADE - Scientific titles in foreign not carented magazines and other year-books Category (from 2022) V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu Year 2012 article
Number of the records: 1