Number of the records: 1
Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering, VI
Title statement Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering, VI : Proceedings : Konf. Versailes, France, 12.- 16. Dec. 1983 / Edit.: Glowinski,R. a kol Main entry-name Glowinski, Roland (Compiler) Edition statement 1.vyd. Issue data Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1984 Phys.des. 728 s ISBN 0-444-87597-2 Subj. Headings numerická analýza výpočtová matematika použitie počítačov aplikované vedy technika UDC 6 681.32.06 061.3(08) 519.6 Country Netherlands Language English Document kind AZN - zborník book
Barcode Call number of location Call number Location Sublocation Info E79839 E*79839 Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky Katedra matematiky FEI unavailable E79840 E*79840 Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky Katedra matematiky FEI unavailable
Number of the records: 1