Number of the records: 1
Computational electromagnetics in the time domain : TLM/FDTD and related techniques.CEM-TD
Title statement Computational electromagnetics in the time domain : TLM/FDTD and related techniques.CEM-TD : Fourth international workshop. Nottingham, UK. 17.- 19. Sept. 2001 / Zost.: C. Christopoulos Main entry-name Christopoulos, Christos (Compiler) Issue data Nottingham : University of Nottingham, 2001 Phys.des. 340 s ISBN 0-9541146-0-4 Subj. Headings numerická analýza výpočtová matematika elektromagnetizmus elektromagnetické polia elektromagnetické vlny modelovanie UDC 537.8 519.6 061.3(08) Country uk Language English Document kind AZN - zborník book
Number of the records: 1