Number of the records: 1
Advanced Building Construction and Materials 2015 (ABCM 2015)
CREPC201601 CREPC201602 CREPC201603 CREPC201606 CREPC201606O Title statement Advanced Building Construction and Materials 2015 (ABCM 2015) : proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation. Strážnice, ČR, 25. - 27. 6. 2015 elektronický zdroj Main entry-action Advanced Building Construction and Materials 2015 25. - 27. 6. 2015 Strážnice, Česká republika Another responsib. Kvarčák, Miloš (Editor) Palko, Milan, 1978- Z1 (Editor) - SvF Katedra konštrukcií pozemných stavieb Gašparovičová, Viera, 1948- (Reviewer) Gieciová, Mária, 1949- (Reviewer) Edition statement 1. vyd. Issue data Ostrava : VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering 2015 Phys.des. CD-ROM, 445 s. ISBN 978-80-248-3860-1 Country Czech Republic Language English ; Slovak Document kind BRZ - zborník (príspevkov) Category FAI - Editorial and reported works (bibliographies, magazines, encyclopedies, catalogs, dictionaries, year-books...) Category (from 2022) GLOB - záznamy, ktoré neprešli globalkami Year 2015 References (88) - článok book
Number of the records: 1