Number of the records: 1
Simulation in industry
Title statement Simulation in industry : 8th European simulation symposium 1996 : Konf. ESS'96, Genoa, Italy, 24.- 26. Oct. 1996 : Obs. Vol.1, 666 s.. Vol.2, 412 s / Edit. Bruzzone,Agostino G.; Kerckhoffs,Eugene J.H Main entry-name Bruzzone, Agostino G (Compiler) Another responsib. Kerckhoffs, Eugene J.H (xxx) Edition statement 1.vyd. Issue data Geona : Publ.of the Society for Computer Simulation Inter, 1996 Phys.des. 2.vol Subj. Headings simulácia simulačná technika virtuálna realita výrobné procesy automatizácia výroby UDC 519.876.5 681.39 681.5.01 658.5.011.56 061.3(08) Country Italy Language English Document kind AZN - zborník book
Barcode Call number of location Call number Location Sublocation Info I*Z9939 Fakulta informatiky a informačných technológií I*Z9940 Fakulta informatiky a informačných technológií
Number of the records: 1