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- The Architecture Reference + Specification Book : Everything Architects Need to Know Every Day / aut. Julia McMorrough
McMorrough Julia
2. vydanie
Beverly : Rockport Publishers, Inc., 2018 . - 272 s.
ISBN 978-1-63159-379-6
architektúra design handbook architektonické navrhovanie stavebné materiály osvetlenie meranie architektonické kreslenie parkovanie proporcie konštrukčné prvky
príručkaFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only FAR 0 1 0 0 - Jak vnímat architekturu / aut. Steen Eiler Rasmussen
Eiler Rasmussen Steen
1. vydanie
Praha : Academia, 2016 . - 217 s.
ISBN 978-80-200-2598-2
hmota teória architektúry priestor kontrast proporcie svetlo Farba v architektúre
monografiaFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only FAR 3 1 0 0 - Open(ing) Spaces : Design as Landscape Architecture / Hans Loidl, Stefan Bernard
Basel/Berlin/Boston : Birkhäuser, 2014
©2014 . - 1 online resource(192p.) : illustrations
ISBN 9783038212232
architectural design Landscape architecture public place path form composition Spatial Planning architektonické navrhovanie krajinná architektúra krajinné plánovanie Architektonická kompozícia forma priestorové plánovanie koncept perspektíva pešia zóna proporcie proportion verejný priestor
"What does the landscape architect actually do as a design?" The authors investigate this seemingly simple question: how are locations and spaces created in the open air, how are paths routed and boundaries set, how are hard and soft materials used? Drawing on practical and theoretical experience, this introduction, often used as a textbook, reveasls the central components of design and the intellectual paths followed in the design process.
AEB - EbookFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only FAR 0 1 0 0 - Elements of Architecture : From form to place + tectonics / aut. Pierre von Meiss
von Meiss Pierre
2. vydanie
Lausanne, Switzerland : EPFL Press, 2013 . - 384 s.
ISBN 978-2-940222-69-8
urbanizmus proporcie usporiadanie kompozícia svetlo a tieň light and shadeFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only FAR 0 1 0 1