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Your query: Author Sysno = "^stu_us_auth stus13685^"
  1. Architects and Post-Disaster Housing : A Comparative Study in South India / Gertrud Tauber
    Bielefeld : transcript Verlag, 2014
    ©2014 . - 1 online resource(252p.) : illustrations
    ISBN 9783839428627
    India residential buildings revitalization reconstruction infrastructure projects case study infraštruktúra revitalizácia rekonštrukcie budov univerzálne navrhovanie profesia architekta projekty architektonický výskum academic research
    This book examines the different roles of architects in rural post-disaster housing and their impact on the degree of success of the projects from villagers' perspective. It is based around the building process of three case studies affected by the tsunami of 2004 in rural South India. It identifies the critical parameters and skills required at project level during the course of the building process. The results from villages and interviews with experienced international and Indian architects, engineers and NGO representatives show that architects are often poorly equipped to work in this context. Gertrud Tauber concludes with a proposal for a course to help architects in the building of people-oriented housing in post-disaster environments.
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  2. Odborníci z oblasti betónových konštrukcií sa stretli na Medzinárodnom kongrese organizácie fib
    Chandoga Milan  Paulík Peter ; V110
    Inžinierske stavby . Roč. 62, č. 3 (2014), s. 38-39
    medzinárodný kongres fib kongres betón India konštrukcie fib congress concrete Mumbai structures international congress
    článok z periodika
    GII - Several publications and documents, which are not in any previous category
    GLOB - záznamy, ktoré neprešli globalkami


  3. Das Labyrinthische : Über die Idee des Verborgenen, Rätselhaften, Schwierigen in der Geschichte der Architektur / Jan Pieper
    Basel : Birkhäuser, 2012
    ©2009 . - 1 online resource
    ISBN 9783034601504
    architecture Theory of architecture Architectural History labyrinth art history teória architektúry dejiny architektúry labyrint urbanism urbanizmus antropomorfná architektúra ulica mesto mestské oslavy a rituály sprievody a púte Knossos Notre Dame de Puy Sacri Monti India Grécko antika jaskyňa Sangallo Taliansko Ferrara Mantova Verona Ninive dejiny umenia
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  4. An Introduction to Design & Culture in the Twentieth Century / aut. Penny Sparkeová
    Sparkeová Penny 
    1. vydanie
    New York : Harper & Row Publishers, Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd., 1978 . - 269 s.
    ISBN 0-06-430170-2
    teória a tvorba dizajnu dizajn produktový dejiny dizajnu Európa Japonsko India
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  5. Mytologie starověku / zost. Samuel Noah Kramer
    Kramer Samuel Noah (Compiler) 
    1. vydanie
    Praha : Orbis, n.p., 1977 . - 448 stran + 16 strán obr.
    mytológia Egypt Mezopotámia Staré Grécko India Irán Čína Japonsko Mexiko
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  6. Umenie orientu / aut. Jeannine Auboyerová, Roger Goepper
    Auboyerová Jeannine  Goepper Roger
    1. vydanie
    Bratislava : Pallas, 1972 . - 192 s., 288 reprodukcií, 112 farebných
    staroveká architektúra stredoveká architektúra India Čína Kórea Japonsko sochárstvo úžitkové umenie ilustrácie
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  7. Groundwater Quality / aut. Hua Bin, Yang John, Deng Baolin
    Bin Hua  John Yang Baolin Deng
    Water environment research . Vol. 80, no. 10 (1 October 2008), s. 1804-1826
    river basin management groundwater level water quality Isotopes India
    článok z periodika
    (1) - článok


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