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Records found: 44  
Your query: Author Sysno = "^stu_us_auth stus20164^"
  1. Analysis of Senegal rural housing and materials for design of new housing
    Ruhig Roman ; 010310  Kiabová Ema ; 010310
    MABD 2017 : . CD-ROM, s. 149-154
    material urbanism population public space Senegal
    článok zo zborníka
    AFC - Reports at international scientific conferences
    V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


  2. 9 x 9 – A Method of Design : From City to House Continued. Handbook / ed. Dietmar Eberle, Florian Aicher
    Eberle, Dietmar (Editor) Aicher, Florian (Editor)
    Basel, Switzerland : BIRKHÄUSER, 2017
    ISBN 978-3-0356-1099-4
    architektonické navrhovanie mesto dom urbanism architectural design city planning house príručka metódy building budova
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  3. Impact wind turbines implementation in municipalities in the context of sustainable urbanism with focus on dynamic pedestrian comfort
    Hépal Martin ; V180  Puškár Anton ; V180
    Applied Mechanics and Materials : . Vol. 820, (2016), s. 326-331
    sustainable development urbanism urban design aerodynamic effects renewable energy pedestrian wind comfort small urban wind power plants
    článok zo zborníka
    AEC - Scientific titles in foreign noticed scientific year-books (not conference)
    V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


  4. Solar building integrated systems / aut. Vladimír Šály, Milan Perný, Juraj Packa
    Šály Vladimír ; 032000  Perný Milan ; 032000 Packa Juraj ; 032000
    Power engineering 2016. Renewable Energy Sources 2016 : . S. 171-175
    Photovoltaics solar collectors urbanism legislation
    článok zo zborníka
    AFD - Reports at home scientific conferences
    V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


  5. The Flexible City Sustainable Solutions for a Europe in Transition / aut. Tom Bergevoet, Maarten van Tuijl
    Bergevoet Tom  van Tuijl Maarten
    Rotterdam nai010 uitgevers 2016 . - 222 s.
    ISBN 978-94-6208-287-8
    Architektúra - rekonštrukcia, konverzia, transformácia reconstruction conversion transformation verejný priestor public place urbanizmus urbanism
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  6. More than Housing : Cooperative Planning - A Case Study from Zürich / Margrit Hugentobler, Andreas Hofer, Pia Simmendinger.
    Hugentobler Margrit (Editor)  Hofer Andreas (Editor) Simmendinger Pia (Editor)
    Basel : Birkhäuser, 2015
    ©2015 . - 1 online resource
    ISBN 9783035604702
    urbanism public participation block of flats apartment blocks housing estate residential area sídlisko participácia obytné budovy komunitné bývanie urbanizmus
    This special issue of the Living Concepts presents the “mehr als wohnen” site development in Zurich which is a flagship project for sustainable housing of the Swiss cooperative building society of the same name. Thirteen buildings offer living and working space for over thousand people, and, for the thirty participating cooperatives, it is a platform of innovation: new materials, energy concepts are applied to create novel housing types
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  7. Městský veřejný prostor / aut. Petr Kratochvíl
    Kratochvíl Petr 
    1. vydanie
    Praha : Zlatý řez, 2015 . - 188 s.
    ISBN 978-80-88033-00-4
    mesto verejný priestor urbanizmus city public place urbanism
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only
    Městský veřejný prostor


  8. A Quantum City : Mastering the Generic / edited by Ludger Hovestadt, Vera Bühlmann.

    Basel/Berlin/Boston : Birkhäuser, 2015
    ©2015. . - 1 online resource(824p.) : illustrations.
    1500 farb. Abb.
    ISBN 9783035606416
    vývoj mesta mestský urbanizmus územné plánovanie urbanism
    We know the specific strengths of various cities, are aware of their ranking, are able to discuss their density and growth. But what do all cities have in common, what do we know about their "lowest common denominator"?The "city as a species", the "primal genetic material of the city": this is the subject of A Quantum City. This colossal work is a love letter to the city and intellectual culture.
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  9. Das Geschäft mit der Stadt : Zum Verhältnis von Ökonomie, Architektur und Stadtplanung / ÖGfA

    Basel : Birkhäuser, 2015
    ©2015 . - 1 online resource
    ISBN 9783035603682
    urbanism city planning public participation participácia mestský urbanizmus urbanistická ekonomika architektúra územné plánovanie miest
    The current issue of the journal UmBau examines the interconnections between the economy and urban planning and seeks alternatives to current planning imperatives. Are there private alternatives to public financing of public buildings and spaces? What are the implications of public responsibility for urban planning, and how is this responsibility fulfilled? These are interdisciplinary questions.
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  10. Historický vývoj mesta a jeho komunikačnej siete
    Sánka Imrich ; V  Rakšányi Peter (Thesis advisor) ; V120
    Bratislava : STU v Bratislave SvF, 2014
    SVF ; 23.06.2014 ; 985
    transport urbanism operation funkcia urbanizmus cestný prieťah zóna doprava
    bakalárska práca


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