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Your query: Author Sysno = "^stu_us_auth stus34027^"
  1. Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. : A Handbook of Methods / aut. Martin Tomitsch, Cara Wrigley, Madeleine Borthwick, Naseem Ahmadpour, Jessica Frawley, A. Baki Kocaballi, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, Karla Straker, Lian Loke
    Tomitsch Martin  Wrigley Cara Borthwick Madeleine Ahmadpour Naseem Frawley Jessica Kocaballi A. Baki Núñez-Pacheco Claudia Straker Karla Loke Lian
    1. vydanie
    Amsterdam : BIS Publishers, 2018 . - 208 s.
    ISBN 978-90-636947-9-1
    design handbook methods of design design-metódy dizajnérske dielo prípadové štúdie príklady metódy navrhovania dizajn produktový dizajn služieb user interaction user experience
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only
    Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat


  2. The Architecture Reference + Specification Book : Everything Architects Need to Know Every Day / aut. Julia McMorrough
    McMorrough Julia 
    2. vydanie
    Beverly : Rockport Publishers, Inc., 2018 . - 272 s.
    ISBN 978-1-63159-379-6
    architektúra design handbook architektonické navrhovanie stavebné materiály osvetlenie meranie architektonické kreslenie parkovanie proporcie konštrukčné prvky
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  3. Façades : Principles of Construction / Ulrich Knaack, Tillmann Klein, Marcel Bilow, Thomas Auer.
    Basel/Berlin/Boston : Birkhäuser, 2014
    ©2014 . - 1 online resource(135p.) : illustrations
    ISBN 9783038211457
    Facades architectural design construction fasády konštrukcie príručka design handbook
    This book demonstrates the principles of facade construction. Guidelines are suggested for good detailing. The installation procedures are described for the most common materials – glass, wood, steel, concrete, and aluminum. Numerous drawings made specially for the book explain the principles of the individual types of facade which are then illustrated with built examples.
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  4. Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations / Alban Janson, Florian Tigges
    Basel/Berlin/Boston : Birkhäuser, 2014
    ©2014 . - 1 online resource(396p.) : illustrations
    ISBN 9783034608923
    náučné slovníky Theory of architecture Spatial Planning architectural concept composition architectural composition dictionary design handbook priestorové plánovanie Architektonická kompozícia koncept teória architektúry
    This dictionary provides a vocabulary that allows the architecture discourse to go beyond the declaration of constructive relationships or the description of architectonic forms in familiar terms like "roof," "base," "wall," and "axis" or "proportion". The point is to describe the experience of architecture: how exactly does it contribute to the experience of a situation?
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  5. Designing Interior Architecture : Concept, Typology, Material, Construction / edited by Sylvia Leydecker

    Basel/Berlin/Boston : Birkhäuser, 2013
    ©2013 . - 1 online resource(368p.) : illustrations
    ISBN 9783034615808
    Interior Architecture interior design design handbook case study building materials acoustics lighting energy efficiency innovation conservation architektonické navrhovanie koncept manuál typológia stavebné materiály interiérový dizajn tvorba interiérov umenie inovácie osvetlenie akustika ventilácia klimatizácia energetická efektívnosť konzervácia rekonštrukcia historických objektov konštrukcie
    In this book, an international and interdisciplinary team of authors gives an extensive account of today’s main areas of work in interior architecture and design. Illustrations of contemporary projects cover the breadth of typical interior design tasks as well as a wide range of possible design approaches. This book is a fundamental reference work for all those professionally involved in the design of interiors.
    AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  6. Universal Design Handbook / Ed. by F.E.Preiser, K.H. Smith
    New York : McGraw-Hill, 2011 . - 450 s
    ISBN 978-0-07-162923-2
    design design handbook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


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