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Your query: Author Sysno = "^stu_us_auth stus4758^"
  1. The Architecture of Health : Hospital Design and the Construction of Dignity / aut. Michael P. Murphy, Jeffrey Mansfield
    Murphy Michael P. Jr.  Mansfield Jeffrey
    MASS Design Group
    1. vydanie
    New York : Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, 2021 . - 255 s.
    ISBN 978-1-942303-31-2
    zdravotnícke budovy nemocnice interiér exteriér občianske budovy architektúra svetová formy Európa Amerika Afrika Aalto, Alvar
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  2. Adaptive Reuse of the Built Heritage : Concepts and Cases of An Emerging Discipline / aut. Bie Plevoets, Koenraad van Cleempoel
    Plevoets Bie  van Cleempoel Koenraad
    1. vydanie
    Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2019
    New York : Routledge, 2019 . - 236 s.
    ISBN 978-1-138-06276-4
    revitalizácia konverzia budov transformácia obnova pamiatok obnova miest revitalizácia územia prípadové štúdie Európa Amerika občianske budovy kultúrne pamiatky budovy pre kultúru a voľný čas
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only
    Adaptive Reuse of the Built Heritage


  3. Objavné cesty staroveku / aut. Michal Habaj ; rec. Václav Furmánek, Drahoslav Hulínek
    Habaj Michal  Furmánek Václav (rec.) Hulínek Drahoslav (rec.)
    1. vydanie
    Bratislava : Perfekt, a.s., 2017 . - 192 s.
    ISBN 978-80-8046-828-6
    dejiny staroveké dejiny technológie staroveku Grécko Rím Afrika Európa Ázia
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only
    Objavné cesty staroveku


  4. Renovate Innovate : Reclaimed and Upcycled Homes / aut. Antonia Edwards
    Edwards Antonia 
    1. vydanie
    Munich : Prestel Verlag, 2017
    London : Prestel Publishing Ltd., 2017
    New York : Prestel Publishing Ltd., 2017 . - 256 s.
    ISBN 978-3-7913-8309-5
    rekonštrukcie budov obytné budovy pavilón Stavby malé renovácia Amerika Európa interiéry
    obrazová publikácia
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  5. Re-Scaling the Environment : New Landscapes of Design, 1960-1980 / Ákos Moravánszky, Karl R. Kegler

    Basel : Birkhäuser, 2016
    ©2017 . - 1 online resource
    ISBN 9783035608236
    dejiny architektúry architektúra európska architektúra 20. storočia moderna v architektúre urbanizmus urbanistické navrhovanie Európa
    From 1960–1980, both eastern and western Europe experienced a construction boom of new dimensions. Cybernetics, the science of planning, and sociology, as well as the new possibilities offered by technology and production, paved the way to large-scale processes and systems in architecture and urban design, which favored technocratic and utopian concepts. Increasingly, architects and planners saw themselves as designers of comprehensive infrastructure and mega-structures in a technology-focused world. The authors assesses these developments on the back of a knowledge transfer between East and West. It confirms a change in attitude that can still be felt today – recession, social changes, and environmental problems led to criticism of the then contemporary concepts of modernity.
    AEB - Ebook AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  6. Modern forms : A subjective atlas of 20th-century architecture / aut. Nicolas Grospierre ; ed. Alona Pardo, Elias Redstone
    Grospierre Nicolas  Pardo Alona (Editor) Redstone Elias (Editor)
    1. vydanie
    Munich : Prestel Verlag, 2016 . - 224 s.
    ISBN 978-3-7913-8229-6
    Európa betónové stavby concrete house 20. storočie
    obrazová publikácia
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only
    Modern forms


  7. Re-Humanizing Architecture : New Forms of Community, 1950-1970 / Ákos Moravánszky, Judith Hopfengärtner

    Basel : Birkhäuser, 2016
    ©2017 . - 1 online resource
    ISBN 9783035608113
    dejiny architektúry Architectural History architektúra európska architektúra 20. storočia modernizmus moderna v architektúre architektúra socialistická Európa povojnová architektúra
    After the Second World War, a divided Europe was much affected by a period of reconstruction. This was influenced by the different political systems – in the socialist East and in the capitalist West, the focus was on cohesion in society and its cultural and architectural expression. In parallel to the rapidly progressing industrialization of the building industry, debates on the humanization of the built environment were led on both sides with great intensity. The volume shows how, on the back of existentialism, new monumentality, and socialist realism, quite similar concepts and strategies were developed in order to find answers to questions relating to adequate structures for new forms of community and identity.
    AEB - Ebook AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  8. Re-Framing Identities : Architecture's Turn to History, 1970-1990 / Ákos Moravánszky, Torsten Lange

    Basel : Birkhäuser, 2016
    ©2017 . - 1 online resource
    ISBN 9783035608151
    dejiny architektúry architektúra európska moderna v architektúre identita postmoderna architektúra 20. storočia Európa
    From 1970–1990, architecture experienced a revision as part of the post-modern movement. The critical attitude to the functionalistic Moderne style and the influence of semiotics and philosophical trends, such as phenomenology, on architectural theory led to an increased interest in its history, expression, perception, and context. In addition, architectural heritage and the care of architectural monuments gained importance. This development also increasingly challenged the ideologically based division between East and West. Instead of emphasizing the differences, the search was for a joint cultural heritage. The contributions in this volume question terms such as "Moderne" and "post-modern", and show how architecture could again represent local, regional, and national identity.
    AEB - Ebook AEB - Ebook
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only


  9. The History of European Photography III. 1970-2000. I-U / ed. Václav Macek, Zef Paci, Walter Moser, Inna Reut ; rec. Claudio Hills, Andreas Hirsh, Kimmo Lehtonen, Hans-Michael Koetzle
    Macek Václav (Editor)  Paci Zef Moser Walter Reut Inna Hills Claudio (rec.) Hirsh Andreas (rec.) Lehtonen Kimmo (rec.) Koetzle Hans-Michael (rec.)
    1. vydanie
    Bratislava : Stredoeurópsky dom fotografie, 2016 . - 379 s. + 41 s. príl. ; 2 zväzky
    ISBN 978-80-85739-70-1
    fotografia Európa Slovensko fotografi umelecká fotografia dejiny umenia
    súborné dielo
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only
    The History of European Photography III. 1970-2000. I-U


  10. The History of European Photography III. 1970-2000. A-I / aut. Václav Macek, Zef Paci, Walter Moser, Inna Reut ; rec. Claudio Hills, Andreas Hirsh, Kimmo Lehtonen, Hans-Michael Koetzle
    Macek Václav  Paci Zef Moser Walter Reut Inna Hills Claudio (rec.) Hirsh Andreas (rec.) Lehtonen Kimmo (rec.) Koetzle Hans-Michael (rec.)
    1. vydanie
    Bratislava : Stredoeurópsky dom fotografie, 2016 . - 439 s. + 40 s. príl. ; 2 zväzky
    ISBN 978-80-85739-70-1
    fotografia Európa Česko fotografi umelecká fotografia dejiny umenia
    súborné dielo
    Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only
    The History of European Photography III. 1970-2000. A-I


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