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- Výpočty v keramice / [aut.]Motyčka,Vladimír
Motyčka Vladimír
Praha : Silikátová společnost ČR, 1996 . - 196 s : Tab.,grafy,lit
ISBN 80-02-01102-3
monografiaFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only FCHPT 0 0 0 2 - Konštrukčná keramika / [aut.]Pánek,Zdeněk a kol
Pánek Zdeněk
Bratislava : R and D print, 1992 . - 162 s : Tab.,grafy,lit.,register
ISBN 80-85488-00-0
monografiaFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only FCHPT 0 0 0 5 Faculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only MTF 1 0 0 0 - Electroceramics : Materials-properties-applications / [aut.]Moulson,A.J., Herbert,J.M
Herbert J.M Moulson A.J
London : Chapman and Hall, 1990 . - 464 s : Obr.,tab.,grafy,lit.,index
ISBN 0--412-47360-X
monografiaFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only FCHPT 0 0 0 1 - Energy and ceranmics. Proceedings of the 4th international meeting on modern ceramics technologie : Saint-Vincent, Italy. 28.- 31. May 1979 / Ed.: Vincenzini
Vincenzini P. (Compiler)
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1980 . - 1292 s
monografiaFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only FEI 0 0 0 1 - Technológia hmôt vákuovej techniky. 2.diel : Silikátové materiály. Sklo, kremeň, keramika, sľuda, azbest / [aut.]Werner Espe
Espe Werner
Bratislava : SAV, 1960 . - 790 s
Materiály silikátové sklo Kremeň keramika Sľuda Azbest
monografiaFaculty Available Inaccesible Issued For Request Only MTF 0 0 1 0