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  1. Effect of Heat Input on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Electron Beam-Welded AW2099 Aluminium-Lithium Alloy
    Sahul Miroslav ; 063700  Sahul Martin ; 061000 Orlowska Marta Jurči Peter ; 061000 Dománková Mária ; 061000 Drienovský Marián ; 061000
    Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance . Vol. 33, iss. 2 (2024), s. 776-796
    aluminium lithium alloy electron beam welding equi-axed zone precipitates
    článok z periodika
    ADC - Scientific titles in foreign carented magazines and noticed year-books
    V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu


  2. Effect of welding mode on selected properties of additively manufactured AA5087 aluminium alloy parts / aut. Martin Sahul, Miroslav Sahul, Ladislav Kolařík, Tomáš Němec, Marie Kolaříková, Barbora Bočáková
    Sahul Martin ; 061000  Sahul Miroslav ; 063700 Bočáková Barbora ; 063200 Kolařík Ladislav Němec Tomáš Kolaříková Marie
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series . Vol. 2712, 32nd Joint Seminar Development of Materials Science in Research and Education (DMSRE32-2023) 04/09/2023 - 08/09/2023 Pavlov, Czechia (2024), s. 1-10
    článok zo zborníka
    AFC - Reports at international scientific conferences
    V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


  3. The effect of direct energy deposition arc mode on the porosity of AA5087 aluminum alloy / aut. Martin Sahul, Miroslav Sahul, Marián Pavlík, Ladislav Kolařík, Libor Beránek, Jakub Horváth
    Sahul Martin ; 061000  Sahul Miroslav ; 063700 Pavlík Marián ; 063000 Kolařík Ladislav Beránek Libor Horváth Jakub
    Materials Letters . Vol. 363, (2024), art. no. 136224, s. 1-5
    cold metal transfer CMT Pulse CMT Cycle-Step direct energy deposition arc aluminum alloy porosity hydrogen content
    článok z periodika
    ADC - Scientific titles in foreign carented magazines and noticed year-books
    V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu


  4. Effect of Travel Speed on the Properties of 5087 Aluminum Alloy Walls Produced by Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing / aut. Miroslav Sahul, Marián Pavlík, Martin Sahul, Pavel Kovačócy, Maroš Martinkovič
    Sahul Miroslav ; 063700  Pavlík Marián ; 063000 Sahul Martin ; 061000 Kovačócy Pavel ; 063100 Martinkovič Maroš ; 063400
    Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance . Vol. 33, iss. 16 (2024), s. 8582-8600
    5087 aluminium alloy mechanical properties porosity travel speed wire and arc additive manufacturing
    článok z periodika
    ADC - Scientific titles in foreign carented magazines and noticed year-books
    V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu


  5. Influence of CMT overlay welding mode on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 5087 aluminium alloy fabricated by Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing / aut. Marián Pavlík, Miroslav Sahul, Martin Sahul, Vít Novák
    Pavlík Marián ; 063000  Sahul Miroslav ; 063700 Sahul Martin ; 061000 Novák Vít
    The 76 IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference on Welding and Joining (IIW 2023) : . S. 237-244
    aluminium alloy wire and Arc Manufacturing cold metal transfer mechanical properties digital image correlation
    článok zo zborníka
    AFC - Reports at international scientific conferences
    V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


  6. Electron beam welding of overlapped joints copper - stainless steel / aut. Beáta Šimeková, Pavel Kovačócy, Miroslav Sahul, Ingrid Kovaříková, Maroš Martinkovič, Erika Hodúlová
    Šimeková Beáta ; 063100  Kovačócy Pavel ; 063100 Sahul Miroslav ; 063700 Kovaříková Ingrid ; 063100 Martinkovič Maroš ; 063400 Hodúlová Erika ; 063100
    Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 4 : . S. 946-956
    electron beam welding electron beam offset welding parameters dissimilar overlapped joint
    článok zo zborníka
    AFC - Reports at international scientific conferences
    V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


  7. Laser beam welding of overlapped joints copper - stainless steel / aut. Ingrid Kovaříková, Pavel Kovačócy, Miroslav Sahul, Beáta Šimeková, Maroš Martinkovič, Erika Hodúlová
    Kovaříková Ingrid ; 063100  Kovačócy Pavel ; 063100 Sahul Miroslav ; 063700 Šimeková Beáta ; 063100 Martinkovič Maroš ; 063400 Hodúlová Erika ; 063100
    Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 4 : . S. 957-965
    laser welding dissimilar overlapped joint welding process
    článok zo zborníka
    AFC - Reports at international scientific conferences
    V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


  8. Numerical simulation of laser beam welding of stainless steel and copper butt joint / aut. Martin Hnilica, Erika Hodúlová, Miroslav Sahul, Pavel Kovačócy, Beáta Šimeková, Ingrid Kovaříková
    Hnilica Martin ; 063000  Hodúlová Erika ; 063100 Sahul Miroslav ; 063700 Kovačócy Pavel ; 063100 Šimeková Beáta ; 063100 Kovaříková Ingrid ; 063100
    Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 4 : . S. 933-945
    laser welding numerical simulation dissimilar butt joint eletro tough pitch copper stainless steel
    článok zo zborníka
    AFC - Reports at international scientific conferences
    V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka


  9. Influence of Electron Beam Welding Parameters on the Properties of Dissimilar Copper–Stainless Steel Overlapped Joints / aut. Marián Pavlík, Miroslav Sahul, Martin Sahul, Veronika Nagy - Trembošová, Matej Pašák, Erika Hodúlová, Norbert Enzinger, Florian Pixner, Ladislav Kolařík
    Pavlík Marián ; 063000  Sahul Miroslav ; 063700 Sahul Martin ; 061000 Nagy - Trembošová Veronika ; 0600 Pašák Matej ; 061000 Hodúlová Erika ; 063100 Enzinger Norbert Pixner Florian Kolařík Ladislav
    Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance . Vol. 32, iss. 15 (2023), s. 6974-6994
    beam oscillation Copper copper intermixing electron beam welding spiking stainless steel
    článok z periodika
    ADC - Scientific titles in foreign carented magazines and noticed year-books
    V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu


  10. The effect of electron beam oscillation on the porosity of third-generation AW2099 aluminium lithium alloy welded joints / aut. Miroslav Sahul, Martin Sahul, Michaela Kritikos, Maroš Vyskoč
    Sahul Miroslav ; 063700  Sahul Martin ; 061000 Kritikos Michaela ; 063200 Vyskoč Maroš ; 067000
    Materials Letters . Vol. 339, (2023), art. no. 134093, s. 1-4
    aluminium lithium alloy electron beam welding beam oscillation computed tomography porosity
    článok z periodika
    ADC - Scientific titles in foreign carented magazines and noticed year-books
    V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu


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